Friday, May 05, 2006

It's mind-numbing to think that the U.S. is led by a group of inept, nitwits, but there it is. And with their cheerleaders chanting the mantra of "Hooray for us" 24/7 it's no wonder that most of the American voters have been hypnotized for five years, wandering through life in a daze. Thoughtlessness, sloppiness, wrong-thinking and bad decision-making are all rewarded by the administration, setting a wonderful example for all those kids the president pledged not to leave behind. I think he must of meant leave them where they are, not move them ahead. The current policies, both international and national, have no coherent form, no clear direction, no salient ideas far as I can see.
It's disgusting that the fat cats who've ruled every GOP administration continue to bamboozle the public, all the while lining their pockets with obscene amounts of cash, partying till the cows come home with high-priced hookers and presenting themselves as 'good Christians.'

The situation has become so transparently absurd that even the brainless among us is starting to wonder who's at the helm of the ship of state.
But alas, it may be too late for us and the world. There will never be enough science to convince Republicans that global warming is real; there will never be enough evidence to prove to the GOP that our international policies are out of line, out of touch and out of time. And there will never be enough proof to satisfy the conservative zealots who really run this nation that contraception and sex education is reasonable response to the current and long-standing crisis of unwanted pregnancy and rampant STDs among our teens (hell, even younger).
So why argue? Well, that's about all most non-violent folks have to fight against the madness. So raise a voice. Make choice. And start it up, wherever you may be.


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